Bulk Buy Participants

For just $15, you get up to 12 varieties of fruits and veggies.

How it works

1. Sign up for email reminders by filling out the form below. 
2. Each month, you'll get a reminder to order bulk buy bags and you can choose which months to participate in.
3. Produce will be available to pick up between 12 pm – 3 pm at 33914 Essendene Avenue on the second Saturday of each month.
4. As a member of the Bulk Buy Collective, it is expected that you volunteer a few hours on a rotational basis. This can include sorting food, delivering food to clients, interacting with clients on pick-up day, etc.
5. Deliveries will be made to house-bound clients

* indicates required
Why do we ask this question? Knowing the size of the program allows us to advocate to funders the importance of affordable food access programming in our community!
Why do we ask this question? Knowing the size of the program allows us to advocate to funders the importance of affordable food access programming in our community!
Why do we ask this question? This allows us to apply for different types of funding and possibly offer discounts.
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